Get Involved
Opportunities to work with the Great River Ontario Health Team
The Great River Ontario Health Team is committed to finding new ways to partner with health and social services organizations, primary care clinicians, patients, clients, families and caregivers, and members of the public to collaboratively work towards transformation of the health care system.
To become a partner or member of the GR OHT, health care and social services providers, patients, clients, families and caregivers, and members of the public must be located in one of the following areas of service: City of Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, Akwesasne and parts of rural Southeast Ottawa and Russell Township.
OHT Partner Organizations
We welcome expressions of interest from community organizations or groups who wish to be part of transforming our health and wellness system in keeping with the vision, principles and values of the GR OHT. You can apply as a Core Partner or as a Supportive Partner.
Primary Health Care Clinician Partners
Our OHT is actively seeking nurse practitioners, family physicians and allied health professionals providing primary care to become a member of the Primary Health Care Clinicians Table, the Primary Care and Physician Association or the Building Capacity with Primary Care Providers Project Team.
Lived Experience Partners
Our OHT is looking for lived experience partners to help co-design new processes for better system integration and collaboration of care by participating as a member of the Lived Experience Partners Table (LEPT), as an affiliate LEPT member on a table, team or working group or as a one-time or limited time activity or event participant.
Members of the General Public
Our OHT believes that residents who seek care in the City of Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, Akwesasne and parts of rural Southeast Ottawa and Russell Township should have a say and opportunities to contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of the region’s health care system. Members of the public can stay informed and learn about opportunities for involvement (e.g. one-time or time limited activities or events).
If you are interested in one of these opportunities, submit your information below: