Q: How is it determined which people or organizations become part of an OHT?
A: OHTs are not geographically based. There are no “catchment areas” or firm boundary lines on providers or patients. Health and social care providers that are connected formally or informally through common referral networks and client bases have the options of becoming a partner in the OHT(s) most relevant to the populations they serve. Attributed population of an OHT is determined by health care utilization patterns and physician networks. Ontarians will continue to access care from their current and existing care providers and continue to choose who provides their care and where it is received.
Q: How are patients, families, and caregivers involved in shaping and planning the Great River Ontario Health Team?
A: The Great River Ontario Health Team requires the leadership of members of our community to help plan how we will deliver health care services in the future. The Lived Experience Partners Table (LEPT) provides leadership from the viewpoint of the community and those receiving health care services. The Table is made up of patients, clients, family members, and caregivers with lived experience. Two LEPT representative are also voting members of the Steering Committee (the decision-making committee that represents our Collaboration Council for the Great River Ontario Health Team).
In addition, we have LEPT representatives who also actively contribute to the various project teams supporting efforts that are focused on the patient/client and family experience.
Q: Will I lose my doctor?
A: No. You can be confident that you will continue to receive care from your health care providers and can get care either within or outside of your Ontario Health Team.
Ontario Health Teams will be working on various process improvements over several years. In the future, you will have easier access to services and be better supported as you move from one health care provider or setting to another.
Q: How can I get a family doctor or primary care provider?
A: Ontario Health Teams are a new model of coordinated care between health and social services providers. Our OHT is not a new healthcare provider/clinic.
If you are seeking a primary care provider/family doctor, you can call 811 or visit Health811 at Ontario.ca/Health811. Medical advice is also available through Health811.
If you experience a medical emergency, proceed directly to the Emergency Department at any local hospital or call 911 for immediate assistance.
Q: Are there opportunities to take part in Great River OHT initiatives?
A: Yes, the Great River OHT has opportunities for health and social service organizations, primary care clinicians, people with lived experience and members of the general public to get involved and contribute to our work. Visit our Get Involved page to learn about opportunities for engagement and how to make your request.