Our Great River OHT Navigation Search Tool will help you find the services you need. With our easy-to-use address locator and categories (click on arrows at right of categories to see multiple subcategory choices) you can easily find the services and agencies that meet your needs. Empower yourself by sending your own referral or book an appointment for them to call you back.
Other services available online:

AccessMHA makes it easier to help find free mental health and/or substance use/addiction support, services and care.
Visit AccessMHA.ca

1Call1Click.ca helps children, youth and families connect with the right mental health and addiction services and care.

Counselling Connect gives residents of Ottawa and the surrounding area quick access to a free phone or video individual counselling session available in English, French, Arabic or Mandarin or free mental health and addictions support in a group setting.
About Our Health Team
We believe in alleviating constraints and allowing providers to deliver better, faster, more coordinated and patient-centered care.